Fame | PV Sindhu net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is PV Sindhu? When is PV Sindhu's birthday? Where is PV Sindhu born? Where did PV Sindhu grow up from? What's PV Sindhu's age?

PV Sindhu Born: July 5, 1995 (age 27 years), Hyderabad, India

PV Sindhu Coach: Kim Ji-hyun (–2019)

PV Sindhu Parents: P.V. Ramana, P. Vijaya

PV Sindhu Full name: Pusarla Venkata Sindhu

PV Sindhu Awards: Padma Bhushan, Padma Shri, MORE

PV Sindhu Height: 1.79 m

PV Sindhu Olympic medal: Badminton at the 2020 Summer Olympics – Women's singles, MORE
